Tuesday 21 April 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Toronto Ontario

Two Prong

I’m rather regulated with my walk through Rosedale and having that balance to the day.  There are dead ends for cars but for pedestrians you can transcend those barriers.  Let me draw a simple analogy.  Spiritualist have a capacity to go beyond, to do the extraordinary, to defy what laws of nature impose.  Spiritualist tread a trail that knows no barrier.

For me, well I’m a novice in my practice.  I have a long journey yet to make and that’s alright.  I believe that I have two rods to hang onto to make it possible for me to eventually transcend.  The first rod is to follow attentively the sadhana laid out for me—the rules and regulations that lead to freedom.  The second road is a dependency on the grace, or mercy, of guru and the line of predecessor gurus.

It is a two-pronged system.

To clarify, sadhana involves reflective listening, chanting and the other seven practices of devotion.  A profound attitude of servitude must also apply.

There is nothing grim about such application of thought.  It is service to others that affords us some gain.  The self–service of contemporary existence has colossal shortcomings due to its simple short-sightedness.

The best prescription is to serve the whole and then the individual, whom is part of the whole, reaps personal benefit along with all the others.

May the Source be with you!

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