Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Sunday, June 9th, 2019

Scarborough / Toronto

Walk and Peace

Given the perfect weather, with sun, moderate temperature and a fresh wind, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to go north on Yonge Street to the ‘uptown’ region.  The morning showed itself to be so optimistic, judging by the upbeat-ness of fellow pedestrians.  The greetings on peoples faces and lips were precious—just precious—as they made their way to individual destinations.  They were places you would expect—Tim Hortons, Starbucks, even church.  Tennis rackets would indicate a courtyard nearby.

I walked the street's gradual upward ascent until Vinod picked me up for the trip to ISKCON Scarborough, where I was to lead everyone in a verse from the Gita. Chapter Eleven reveals the Lord's universal form which had the demigods up in arms.  They were frightened.  With palms together they shouted, "Swasti!" which means, "Peace!"

We discussed and explored the topic of fear which we concluded is a natural feature of life.  "Fear," we said, "helps to humble us and to keep us in check." The aspect of the universal form opens up with majesty and inspires awe and reverence.  Nearing the end of its display, it transitions to horror, and for the demigods it became too overbearing.  In the context of Chapter Eleven, fear was felt, but it stirred up the universal administrators, who are generally too relaxed, to the point of reaching a calm in the end, perhaps comparable to the sweetness of my morning walk on Yonge.

May the Source be with you!
8 km

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