Thursday 27 June 2019

Friday, June 21st, 2019

Alachua / Gainesville

Three Classes

I delivered three classes today, the same as I did yesterday.  At the Alachua ISKCON Centre, the class—followed by discussion—was in regard to a sage by the name of, Markandeya, who meditated, and performed austerities, which invoked the attention of the great Shiva and his wife, Parvati.  At their sudden appearance, he executed the most humble of yogicasanasor sitting postures.  Basically, he bowed to them and took a humble stance.

Our discussion then led to good behaviour within the Vaishnava culture.  A similar discussion took place at Krishna House when I read from Chapter Four of Volume 2 of, Chasing Rhinos With the Swami.  Author Shyamasundar Das, begins his chapter with the quality of a good soul—kindness to all.  He also highlighted patience.  He was relaying how our guru, Prabhupada, along with assistants, were held in quarantine for six days in India after having come from Africa.

Shyamasundar also addressed the good trait of ‘silence’. This does not refer to taking a vow of silence.  More specifically silence means to only speak of what is relevant to one's overall wellness, including the spirit's needs.

We all know how much time is consumed in chatter and gossip.  Such habits are very removed from saintliness.

Oops!  I forgot to mention the presentation made to the summer camp students.  We had a blast!

Also it was Day #2 for doing another swim within one of those springs.  My God, it's so therapeutic.  I would say that especially my knees are liking it.

May the Source be with you!

3 km on foot
4 km through water

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