Wednesday 23 January 2019

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Houston, Texas

To Midnight

I was previously requested to give a class from the Bhagavatam and had no idea from which verse I would be speaking.  It ended up being one of those 10thCanto verses presenting a list of the names of  Krishna’s children.  There was little to no philosophical content to the verse, but somehow or other the hour-long space given to me ran smoothly.

I was also somewhat concerned about being the first presenter for the Bhaktivedanta Medical Seminar with theme “East Meets West: An Holistic Approach to Health” before approximately eighty professionals, many of them MDs.  My topic was “Putting Heart and Feet Together,” about walking and its benefits.  Whew! I got through that as well.  I find that you have to entertain a bit.  The idea is to bring the audience on the walk with you.

And walking, I did squeeze in.  Over two miles away from the ISKCON Centre is a farm lot with three gir cows, a beautiful home on nine acres.  A tour, a meal, and a cooking demo were the components to that visit. I met the man who first discovered oil in Guyana—a treat.  “Oil can ruin a nation that has learned sustainability,” he warned.  

From the farm, I walked back to Gauranga Hall, the place of the presentations on health. Finally, the day was over and my evening assignment began, working with local youth on a preparation for a Sunday drama.  “First Timer” is what it’s called.  It’s a short sketch and it’s comedic.  Comedy is a medicine.  It is an exaggeration of the truth.

Our practice took us to midnight.

May the Source be with you!
4 km

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