Saturday, 19 January 2019

Saturday, January 12th, 2019

Burnaby, British Columbia

Step In Sync

The assignment of being an administrator of sorts, as I am, can be a mountain to climb like the mountains I see in the distance. My walking, my presentations—be it chanting, giving a Bhagavatam class or doing a theatre production—are relatively easy.  But the issues with people present complexities. Nevertheless, the job must be done.

At our local ISKCON council meeting, I spoke passionately to our small group about becoming more relevant to the public.  We all know people who are frozen in the past, those who suffer from a time warp; who live a bit too much in the past. Some of those people are in the position of leadership but don't belong in such a post because progressive thinking has not been allowed to enter into the brain waves.

I've been in Vancouver now for a few days. It's a trail-blazing city in many respects, world-class, and is a popular destination, with its relatively clean atmosphere of lakes and scenic mountains.  Our group here needs to step up and get more in sync with the world around them.  I don't think they mind me saying this from an objective viewpoint.  We continue to lose a younger generation because we’ve become irrelevant.  Anyway, there's work to be done and I'm there to help in my limited capacity.

I dined at Janaki and Nandi's place.  Great aloo gobi!  I then met with some younger generation guys at a full-on veg restaurant on the Kingsway. I walked back on Marine Drive contemplating how a higher conscious community could become more relevant.

May the Source be with you!
5 km

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