Saturday 8 September 2018

Friday, August 31st, 2018

Toronto, Ontario

Passion Is Up

The last major weekend has arrived before the holiday vacation comes to a close. Schools will open, welcoming in a new enrolment, perhaps, or rekindling the fire of study which got interrupted. Happy times for students, teachers and professors.

I walked through a segment of the country’s largest university, the University of Toronto, and I could feel a winding up of the fun.  Further west on Bloor, I entered ‘Little Korea’.  Lots of lovers are arm in arm, and lips meet for a last opportunity in passionate summer.  It’s been a ‘hot one’ in more ways than one.  There’s more revving up of boisterous engines than I can remember. Maybe I’m getting old.  Ganja scent is in the air and everywhere.

When I returned to the temple and ashram, I felt peace.  While there’s excitement in the air, and wedding preparations underway, there is this passion, too, but directed somewhat differently.  Kamala Kanta, the groom-to-be, and Prana Rani, the bride-to-be, have come to rehearse tomorrow’s day of uniting.  That’s what all the wonderful fuss is about.  Both groom and bride have their friends here to lay out tables and chairs, as well as put much energy into décor.

It all looks clean and fun, and all on the near eve of Krishna’s birthday, which happens to fall on Labour Day, Monday.  This is one of those many mixed marriages.  She is Hispanic and he is Indian.  Everyone just has the right intent—to grow in experience and to grow in soul.

My congratulations to the two.

May the Source be with you!
6 km

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