Tuesday 9 September 2014

Sunday, September 7th, 2014

Pelee Island, Ontario

Kidding Around

I enjoy being a kid at times.  Before the journey to Pelee Island, I ventured my way to the Humber River in pilgrimage style, that is, chanting mantras, but I got a little distracted.  A skunk hit my trail, I started to chase him.  He was a beaut with lots of white on him.  I’ve dealt with these guys for years.  By now I know how close I can get and be alert to watching the tail spring up in defense, which would mean a nasty spray.  My motive apart from being frivolous, is to have the creature hear a Sanskrit mantra, which is pure sound and can even subliminally effect him positively. 

Now, the trip to Pelee Island took us first to Kingsville, where a ferry awaits.  It’s on this ferry, after boarding, that we applied the same philosophy that I did for the skunk.  Only this time it was a group first.  Chanting melodiously we did for human ears.  I should not forget the trailing behind seagulls flying in the air as the cruiser, The Jiiman, was creating a wave behind it.  The sound of mantra must have also fell on their ears. 

The kirtan (chanting session) was arousing.  People came from every level of the cruiser to listen – staff and passengers.  They joined us in the singing and dancing. 

This is becoming an annual event, visiting Pelee, while being a kid.  Devotees of Krishna from both Detroit and Toronto come together to swim the water and toss a ball trying to keep it volleyed to the count of 108.  Considering the long, drawn out winter as of late, squeezing out today’s wholesome bonding type of fun is most treasured. 

By the way, the main portion of the Detroit contingent was a couple, Jambavan and Samvit, with their 8 offspring.  How can you not be like a kid with them around? 

May the Source be with you!

6 KM

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