Thursday 6 February 2014

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

Toronto, Ontario

A Road Knower

It’s rare to meet someone like Michael.  We share a lot in common.  How so? 

Well, Michael Oesch, who helps people overcoming addiction issues, decided one day to walk across Canada.  It was a response to a buildup of challenges in life, which included a divorce, and then something happened to determine the long trek.  It was 2001 when 9/11 occurred, and looking at how the world was going more screwy than swanky, he took to the road on foot.

We hit it off real well.  He told me more of his story as we sat in the corner of our ashram temple, “In 2002 I walked from my home in Toronto out to Labrador and back.  In 2005 I walked from Toronto to Vancouver.  I battled with addiction.  The last addiction is the addiction to self, and once free from the inner voice of chaos, suffering can end. “

He listed amongst his heroes, Gandhi, Saint Francis and the Buddha.  He also told me of great moments to do with the challenges on the road.  It was hard to address the crusty, sweaty clothes from the days wearing on, and the moist shoes to step in because it rained the previous day, and also overnight while in the tent, to begin a fresh day of trekking. 

He shares a story of how near French River, he spotted a turkey vulture on the side of the road.  One wing was injured being struck by a vehicle.  The bird responded well to Michael, and managed to perch on his shoulder.  A motorist stopped and took Michael and the vulture to the local animal clinic.  Other redeeming moments of recall were when these gorgeous dragonflies warded off pesky black flies.  He also admitted to losing toenails, and to regularly popping blisters on his feet.  Moreover, Michael did his two walks solo, and was pitching his tent where he could in the wilderness.

What was significant for him on the journeys was gaining strength from where strength was sourced.  He left me a prayer which was an excerpt from his journaling:

Dear Lord
Grant my feet the strength to carry the burden I haul
Give me the courage to walk further down the unknown road
Through forest, swamp, field and mountain
I will follow my dreams and walk in the light
I will bring with me a smile to grace the day
And share it with all I meet
Until the day when I come to Your great ocean
And I shall walk no more
I will wade in the water
And let the salt heal my wounds
And be at one with this journey through life
Knowing you have guided me every step of the way

-          Michael Oesch

May the Source be with you!

5 KM

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