Monday, 4 October 2010

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010


Wakefield, Quebec

It was a hard sleep overnight. I could not shut off the exhilarating evening of kirtan at the bonfire. Some of the ‘tribal’ in us came out quite excitedly as we formed a ring around Agni, the fire god, right next to the lake. Our circle was an organic expression of satisfaction’ a closing remark to a day of conquest.

Three generations of devotional representation closed a gap on ‘mission’ accomplishments over the past year and it only made the next morning so much worth breathing each moment.

I don’t know if all AGM meetings are like this but ours was a bonding success. The synergy excelled and I anticipate this will all translate into positive, transformational experiences as inspiration turns to action.

To put a cap to today’s continuity of good presentations and planning on behalf of those improving their performances in various parts of the country I was asked to lead in a physical group activity – walking. The resort at Wakefield had various loops of trails waiting for our feet to tread upon. Then a few minutes of weekend review at the lake’s dock put the final closure on to a fabulous weekend.

What makes the association of such people so sweet? Their devotion. What makes the meal-time extra special? Each other. What makes differing opinions tolerable? The common interest.

I hope to relive more weekends like this and I wish that other people could taste this satisfaction always. I really do!

7 KM

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