Wednesday 12 August 2020

Friday, August 7, 2020

St. Jamestown Toronto


A Jesus Look Alike


Chris is a Canadian, Catholic-raised guy who looks like Jesus. He came back from Thailand and India in the nick of time before Covid 19 slammed everything into lockdown. He, along with Sanjit, joined me for my evening walk. We talked about each other‘s upbringing and we discovered we had something in common — the Catholic connection.


Chris was a devout Catholic. He was an altar boy and he had nothing but a good experience. I would attend mass in church before going to school. I liked the peace of the place. I do recall one morning, sitting in the pew, when I fainted. I must have been about seven. One middle-aged man, who also attended, noticed I lost consciousness and he came over, hoisted me over his shoulders, carried me to his car and, knowing where I lived in the country-side, drove me home.


Now Sanjit was born Hindu but he and his family attended Catholic schools run by priests and nuns. All three of us believe in Jesus and the tenets he taught. We’ve just added Krishna to make it all complete. As Chris, who looks like Jesus, put it, “Krishna is the father and I am the son.” He was not implying he was Jesus.


As we walked and talked we all agreed Jesus must have spent time in the east, after his Bar Mitzvah, spending time with Buddhists, Jains and Pandits. We all carried and chanted on our own rosaries (japa beads are the Sanskrit version) up to Wellesley and Sherbourne.


Hail to Jesus! Hail to Krishna!


May the Source be with you!

6 km


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