Monday, 20 October 2014

Wednesday, October 14th/15th, 2014

Tirupati, India

The Bat and Me

I doubt very much that he was the same bat I met two years ago in the same spot. He was fluttering about in the space that wasn’t really mine. I can’t reach that high, but almost. He can carefully manoeuvre himself just above arms-length, stretched up. These bats normally do.

I was chanting my japa, (mantras on beads) along the lengthy veranda at the Tirupati ISKCON Guest House when I met this fellow. It was his eating time, night-time. Like you see a lot of western youth with their invincible tummies having pizzas at night, this nocturnal winged wonder my bat friend got his munching in at what folklore calls the witches hour.

I think he was doing well due to the bugs galore. I can’t fault him for not eating veggies and not devouring with honour that which we call prasadam, food blessed by brahmins. My little bat friend was preying on what’s natural for him.

As humans we have so many choices for food. I had a brief four-hours-stay in the guest house at Hyderabad. During that time I was asked to speak to the brahmachari monks from a Bhagavatam verse, Canto One. The interesting topic was about looking at emergency situations where meat consumption may be permitted. In general, under normal circumstances, we humans commit to satvic food, food in goodness. Ultimately the choice is yours.

Again, my friend, was following his natural aptitude, his dharma. And that’s why I call him my amigo. I was glad not to be alone, in fact, at that quiet hour on the veranda. I still wondered if he was the same fella of two years past.

The answer hangs in the air like a bat at night time. If it’s a new guy, then I have two friends now. The more the merrier. I hope to meet him tomorrow.

May the Source be with you!

5 KM

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