Sunday 19 October 2014

Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Val-des-Roches, Quebec

Gold Then Gold Now
We did plod the country road, but in the dark, after meetings that mattered.  Three Canuck monks and I took to the gentle up and down course.  It was down time after a long but rich day of discussion and presentation.
These presentations of a "close-to-the-heart" sort moved my emotions as there was vision behind such initiatives.  "Think for the future" was the theme.  And as I heard the voice of 'care' in the air I looked out several times through the resort's window to trees drip of tears.
I think they were hearing our message of opportunities missed, hence the tears.  They were an actual transformation of the lightest frost melting in the sun's warmth.
Triumphantly rose the yellow leaves of the aspen shaking for joy because not all occasions we spoke of were grim.  There has been far greater victory over defeats of the past.
Once our walk had terminated we found some of the weekend crew still in the dining lounge space engaged in happy chatter over the old and gold days, of the times spent in jail because we were misunderstood.  I joined in and oh yes, lest I forget, I escaped a near-death fire and when a moving train bashed again and again at our stalled vehicle on the tracks while I, the driver, sat there frozen in shock.
When I think of life as a Krishna monk in the 70's and the monks of now who live on easy street, it is like night and day.
May the Source be with you!
5 KM

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