Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Monday, March 16th, 2009


Owen Sound, Ontario

I had previously walked through this city of 22,000 on two cross Canada walks. It had been a quiet night and morning spent in a 150 year old pioneer home at Gordon’s home, friend and god brother, Gopan. The sun shone. Gaurachandra had errands to run in the downtown. I decided to trek and later he would catch up to pick me up.

It is common enough to see members of the Mennonite community. Two young males in conservative haircuts and black attire passed by on the street. The monk look was new. Courteous gestures prevailed. On a cigarette break, a young clerk from a store asked, “What does it mean?” referring to my robes.

“A monk’s clothing. Hare Krishna.”
“What do you believe?” he asked further.
“In the afterlife…you are given another chance, a chance to improve. And there is a Divine Intelligence doing good things, hoping and helping you to improve.”

He made his last puff, excused himself, and gave a handshake before getting back to newly arrived customers.

An inspirational piece of news captured my eyes. Jodi Mitic, a 32 year old corporal with the Royal Canadian Forces, lost his legs below the knee in a mine explosion in Afghanistan, and now has carbon-fibre prosthesis. Mitic ran for a charity run on his new feet which have a shape like short, curved skis. A picture shows the man glowing.

In the military spirit, his superior Gen. Walter Natynezuk said of Mitic, “When times are tough, we just suck it up and get going. We put our game faces on and do not feel sorry for ourselves.”

What a great day!

13 km

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