Friday June 29, 2007
Making a journey across Canada on foot may not be something you would attempt but recently, Bhaktimarga Swami a Hare Krishna Monk passed through Cochrane on a journey across Canada heading for the East coast. During an interview he gave his reasons for this, his third walk across our country. “I have been inspired by the people and the northern route is less travelled and I must say a much friendlier route. This is a pilgrimage walk which allows me to connect with the spiritual side of life. The people inspire me and I hope that I inspire them,” he said.
Bhaktimarga Swam was born in Chatham and adopted an Eastern order of monastic life in 1973. He was a fine arts Swami attending Cambrian and has put that to good use working with youth groups and drama yoga.
Now, at the age of 54 making his third walk he said, “I have a passion for nature’s aesthetics and also for the great workout it gives me.
Swami came fully garbed in a peach coloured robe. “I guess some people find my clothes interesting. Robes are the traditional garb of a monk. I became a monk in the Hare Krishna movement back in 73. I admit that being a monk is not everyone’s calling, but it is mine.”
Along with him on his travels is Doug, the one who makes all of the arrangements for a stay in motel or camping. Jyovany also travels with him and is an excellent cook.
Remember, monks are vegetarians.
Anxious to see a bear on his travels, Northern Ontario answered his wishes when just on the other side of Hearst, a bear wandered out onto the road behind him. “I’m not sure what he would have done if a truck had not come along and scared him off.”
As for the people along the way many have provided shelter, a meal and asked many questions. One of the most asked questions are the beads he carries in a small sack. “They are Japa beads. They are made from wood from sacred Tulasi wood. There are 108 beads and are used in repetitive questions like please allow me to engage in some service.”
Now with the summer heat his journey only allows him to travel 40 to 45 km a day commencing at 3:00 a.m.
At the end of the day, walking the road while meditating and communicating with other travelers is an attempt at seeking inspiration, and he feels that if people did more walking, less squawking, the world have less rat race-ism.
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