Saturday 13 November 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Oakville, Ontario

Walking and a Passing


I am not a happy shopper, but when it comes to going to that drug store that sells the unique ky boots, right there on the main street of Oakville, I have no qualms. The selection for shoes styles is not huge when it comes to ky boots, but they have a great fit and bottom. It was time to get a new pair for winter and a kind donor from Toronto made it possible to get this awesome black, comfy footwear.

I just had to show them off so my kind driving friend, Nanda, dropped me off after the purchase at Yonge and King. Those shoes had me flying. I was going at 5 km per hour. Mind you, Yonge St. walkers have always been fairly speedy. “Going with the flow” is what it was. Both knees were in sync.

When I did arrive home at the ashram, I learned about the passing of another GO BRO, Rajendranandana. Here is my offering to him. I call it Man of Bhakti Contagion.

It didn’t matter what was the occasion

He was always a man of bhakti contagion

An anti-Kali personality

In touch with the ultimate reality

A guy with an incredible smile

To see that you’d walk a long mile

For him cynicism was a sin

Positivity is what he indulged in

A Prabhupada person all the way

Humble steps, gentle breaths, made up his day

He was a detailed lila story-teller

Considering all his services – a remarkable fellow


(All you men, sign up for MANtra this weekend)


May the Source be with you!

5 km


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