Tuesday 16 November 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021

St. Jamestown, Toronto

MANtra Working

Our first session of MANtra MANifested this evening and it went really well. Yogesvara from New York did a marvelous presentation of “The Hero’s Journey.” It is fashioned after Joseph Campbell’s model of how a person goes through a personal crisis in life, connects with a mentor, and ultimately succeeds in overcoming obstacles to reach a state of transformation.

What comes to my mind are the stories of Prahlada, and more particularly Dhruva; both young person on their own journey where they come to a point of reaching a successful end. Yogesvara gave these two perceptive people as examples of heroes from the Bhagavatam.

Much appreciation was delivered by viewers through chat remarks made on the virtual presentation. It was interesting to hear our host, Vallabha Hari, express how viewers came in from not only the U.S. and Canada, but India, Turkey, Australia, South America, Africa and Europe.

By the way, Vallabha Hari’s co-ordination was excellent; a pro at this type of service, he introduced the program by announcing “Gentleman” and not “Ladies.” This is not to exclude women per se, necessarily. There are retreats of a bhakti nature for the women called “Vaishnavi Retreats,” and they have been running for some time. We had to give a chance to the guys.

Our next session today started at 10 am EST. Gentlemen, if you haven’t joined yet, it’s not too late. Please register.

May the Source be with you!

5 km



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