Wednesday 2 July 2014

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Ottawa, Ontario

Chanting in Freedom

Perhaps for a good square mile or two, around the Parliament Buildings, it becomes like China, very congested.  It’s not normally this way.  It’s the nation’s birthday, and so you have a convergence of people in on the celebration.

For a different spin on walking and chanting, Karuna and I, who are accustomed to switch-backing in the mountainous roads of British Columbia for the last month, now found ourselves in an urban setting weaving through people.  Our destination was a spot near Parliament, an allocated area for our kirtan (chanting) set up.  Each year our boys from Ottawa make it to this cozy outside place at 5 AM to set up a mini stage, awnings, and sound system. 

Slowly, Karuna and I, managed our way to that special site, after meandering through people outside and inside; through the Rideau Shopping Mall, through Sears Department Store and so on.   Through the crowds and through the noise (mostly happy noise), pass the buskers, with their acrobats, fire eating and whatnot, and past the multiple musicians of various genres, we attempted transcendence with our mantras, as we worked our fingers through our mala beads.  It was crazy as we cruised.

Finally, we reached our destination and I ascended the stage for leading the song on this Canada Day:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

People danced as our drums, both mrdanga and djembe, rolled.  It was very fitting.  We were expressing who we are and we were celebrating the freedom to do so.   When I wasn’t chanting, I had an opportunity to meet people.  I met folks from Iran and Iraq (now emigrated).  They are baffled by this freedom. 

May the Source be with you!

9 KM

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