Sunday 5 January 2014

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

Toronto, Ontario
Before I Hit the Street
Before I hit the street for a stroll through Little Greece on Danforth Ave., I conducted, for a third time in Toronto, a Kirtan Standard Seminar.  With two helpers, Keshava and Rukmini, in a too rushed two-and-a-half hour presentation we covered the topic dear to all.
Chanting, or kirtan, is the life-line for those who take to the lineage of Chaitanya.  Chaitanya was a walker as well as a chanter.  In the sweet medium of Sanskrit, mantras were disseminated to the public. Then additional masters of kirtan set bhajans (devotional songs) to the Bengali medium.  Results were life-changing for people.  Hearts were moved.
With time, initial intent got lost and various diversions from the mood of surrender to Krishna became compromised.  To redeem such occurrences, God does give another chance.
Through the effort of our guru, Srila Prabhupada, and some predecessors, the integrity behind kirtan was restored.  Westerners, as well as eastern counterparts embraced the ancient practice as the world saw a Diaspora of sacred sound.
In order to hold to tradition and intent, there is a need to watchdog over various influences that may attempt to cheapen the process.  Staging a seminar for kirtan standards is an effort to preserve particularly what our guru delivered.
Some feedback remarks:
1) It was awesome.
2) Practical demonstration with integration of dancers, instruments, etc. Course was great.
3) Time was short for presentation.
4) Informative and useful. There is a need for training for aspiring kirtaneers.
5) The presentation clarified what's cool, what to kill, and what you might get away with.
6) I thought the beginning of the class was nice, establishing the importance of kirtan and Prabhupada's quotes.  Very focused.
May the Source be with you!
5 KM

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