Thursday, 5 November 2009

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

North Of Montreal

Mount Tremblant, Quebec

Just prior to leaving North for this famous ski resort town I was handed a gift of natural honey harvested and delivered by Surya, a bee keeper from the Upper Laurentian Mountains. The contents of the jar, a golden gel, came from the second blooming period of the summer. Surya has marketed the stock and labeled it as Madhukar honey. The gift I won’t indulge in but only after being offered to the diety of Krishna.

On a small tag attached to the jar Albert Einstein is quoted saying, “ If bees disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination……no more man!” It’s a quote I’ve read before and it’s good to be reminded again of our urban infiltration upon the world. There is a need to respond.

Our visit was to a couple’s home in mountain and lake country. Maharja and Marie Jose are that warm kind of French Canadian hosts provided a great curry and also provided me with an opportunity to say a few words to invited friends about the human inclination towards spirituality. We also chanted together by the fire place. I know it sounds crazy but that’s what it was until the heat intensified a spark of interest in the outside and welcome the first flakes of snow for the fall. A stroll through town was terminated by time. I was to reach the downtown temple to speak from the Bhagavad-Gita.

And so the theme from the verse 9.9 highlighted the detached nature of God. The cosmic order operates under His control and is discharged, left for us to make good or a mess of the place. And don’t we really wish we could make good? It all begins with a little respect for the natural world and the remote controller.

7 Km

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