Thursday, 21 May 2009

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

Keep things clear

Edmonton, Alberta

My guestimation for walking is about 5 kilometers comprised of pacing in the basement of the Krishna centre in Edmonton. It is surely not the same as walking outside but you take what you can get. I’m not dressed for the weather.

A short break from indoors came in the form of a spin in Nitin’s car. Nitin took Revati, a dear friend, Sudhama, one of the two resident pujari or priests and I downtown. I wanted to show Sudhama, the newly arrived pujari from south India, what designers do with window displays involving composition, lighting and color coordination. I often look at Holt Renfrew displays as a source of inspiration for creative flows of energy. I pointed out to Sudhama that he might get ideas that he can implement at the Krishna centre where there is a ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­shrine/altar of deities’ named Radha Govinda.

When colours don’t match well my mind goes momentarily in a rage. So when it came to preparing a setup for conducting the Nine Devotions workshop the clashing coloured pillows had to be stashed in a closet. Chairs had to be positioned in a curved shape facing the facilitator’s chair. Extra clutters of things were also removed to accommodate an open spacesiousness to avoid distractions.

It is hard to work in an environment where there is chaos. Psychologically there is enough chaos within us. It is no lie when we say that the mind is a cesspool of thoughts. We don’t need to enhance the garbage.

When ones surroundings are neat and orderly then the chances of calming the mind are increased like anything.

5 Km

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