Thursday 14 May 2009

Monday, May 11th, 2009


Toronto, Ontario

Eric took a shot at living in the ashram thirty-six years ago for a six month period. He found it very austere lying on the floor as his bed and the early rising at 3AM. Eric had left his beads behind, went on to get married and secured a maintenance job at a major hospital.

This morning he came back for the first time now that he is retired. He came back to purchase japa beads for chanting and to revisit his home of thirty plus years ago. He exclaimed that the interior of the building has changed. (It looks better). And I explained that now we use beds.

Eric is entering into that period of life when one wants “to get spiritual again.” He was here prior with darker hair. Now it’s white. He just wants Krishna again.

It is heart warming to see this type of thing transpiring.

For the baby boomers of Krishna Consciousness (that is the persons who were drawn in the late sixties and seventies) life is narrowing down and we have time to think about our spirituality over almost anything else. Eric is going through a metamorphosis- a healthy change. When you hit 60, by then you are naturally introspective.

Eric is from the city of Oshawa which is a good forty-five minutes (by car or a good walking marathon day and a half) away. I connected him to a god-brother, Drupada, who lives there. I felt Eric was on his way to being looked after.

It’s the young and also retired sectors of society and the people in the middle that have spiritual needs. No one should be left out.

8 Km

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