Friday 4 November 2022

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Mice and Men

It is that time of the year when leaves are descending, but geese are ascending and soaring to the south in their V formation. Ah, yes, V for Vishnu. Thanks for the reminder, guys. Your honking sound is well noticed by those of us making the trails in King’s Park. What splendour there is in all we see, including a woodpecker who allowed me to come so close. The Assiniboine River is humble as it is low; a notable message we are able to take in as a component to the natural splendour of God.

Much happened this day, which included a tour by Shrey at the campus of UOM.  The boys are looking at prospects for festival facilities. I also had the opportunity to see Carolin, who, years ago, had sewn a set of clothes for me out of comfortable hemp. She specializes in baking breads from ancient grains, most notably delicious scones. And while chatting with her and sharing some of my poetry, I met an old friend on his skateboard in the back of the Millennial Library. He’s half indigenous and half east Indian. He offered me a small piece of moose hide signifying a commitment to honour, respect and protect women and children and work together with other men and boys to end violence in that direction. I wore that symbol as part of a campaign for the remainder of the day (and will do so for the coming days). Indeed, questions were lodged about that piece of square fabric at our Govardhan feast.

As in my last visit to Winnipeg, I met Phil, a bhakti enthusiast and friend from forty-five years ago.  His son, Kyle, a law student, is so bright. He told me he acted as Lennie from “Of Mice and Men”. Here’s a message again, or a question: Are you a mouse or a man?

May the Source be with you!



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