Thursday 16 December 2021

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Burnaby, British Columbia

Walk With Purpose

As Sathya, Sunil, and I were about to embark on our backroads walk, we chanced upon a person we all know. His name is Hadai and I told him, quite frankly, the three of us were taking a break from people. Then I chanced upon these sayings from Jesus on TIKTOK.

4 things to always walk away from:

1. Walk away from CONVERSATIONS that involve hate and gossip. JAMES 4.11

2. Walk away from unnecessary DRAMA. PROVERBS 11.9

3. Walk away from PEOPLE who put you down. PROVERBS 26.20

4. Walk away from the table if RESPECT is no longer being served. EXODUS 23.1

Something I reflected upon more than once is that these legs have multi-purposes. They are certainly designed for helping us to go to places, for reaching destinations. And we can justify moving away from unwanted places by the way of legs. We walk to a friend and walk away (or run) from the enemy.

Legs also perform the function of holding up the rest of the body. They are great for dancing and perhaps kicking. And for swimming, well, you would have a hard time to generate a propulsion within water to keep you afloat without them.

Finally, I just wanted to mention something about the legs and feet of our guru, Prabhupada. He walked on a cargo freighter that took him across the Atlantic and, after the trying journey was over, he walked off the ramp at the Boston Harbour and did a lot of people a favour by doing that with his legs.

May the Source be with you!

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