Saturday 11 September 2021

Saturday, August 28, 2021

High Park, Toronto

Where There’s Green There’s Magic


Wherever there is an emission of sacred sound you can expect some minor miracles or magical moments. We started off with just the four of us but interest grew amongst park pedestrians. I believe that analogy to be true for anyone who walks through green territory. It is the colour of wonder.


Tiki, who’s on crutches for the time being, decided to lean against the trunk of the majestic jack pine while his partner was content on the acorn covered grasses to join the rest of us on kirtan. The sound did attract a low hanging squirrel and a curious parrot. After all, Ajamila’s singing is rather funked-up and all the while he releases a smile that demonstrates the “fun of kirtan”.


We sat at the entranceway and it appears to be the best location for outreach. Mind you, we are not the only ones playing music. As soon as we broke for a much-needed break one guy on clarinet played so beautifully.


People are definitely the happiest 1) in green space 2) where there is peace 3) natural colours, textures, smells and sounds 4) where there is anticipation of adventure and 5) in a place where transcendence is possible.


The heroes of the Vedas such as Rama and Krishna placed themselves in the power of nature. Krishna was a cowherd as a youngster. He was in the pastoral green. And Rama let destiny place him in the wilderness where He, Sita and Laksman survived in the out-of-doors.


So, every Saturday 1 PM, High Park.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


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