Saturday 9 August 2008

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Monday, July 28/08 - Kostrzyn, Poland

The stop-over in Amsterdam was brief at the airport before the flight to Berlin. Judging by the sight of the Dutch, the men in particular, I see they are rather tall. With Dutch blood in me I’m reminded that perhaps the extra height was meant for the extra walking. They have got long, powerful legs.

Europe is more quiet than many places in the world. The residents seem reserved. The German country side on the way to Poland is flat but ample trees fill the space.

My host is Indradyumna Swami, American born, who collaborated with Jerzy Owsiak, renowned musician in Poland. Indradyumna is himself a well known monk in the Krishna Consciousness movement for staging large – scale festivals. The second most popular person in Poland, Jerzy has established a “Woodstock” event and our dear monk Indradyumna organizes a Krishna Village which attracts 250 000 youths near the city of Kostrzyn. The event is colossal and 600 devotees from Poland, Russia and surrounding areas volunteer their time to organize the Krishna side of the three day festival.

My legs were itching to walk but plane travel occupied my time. The only solace for them was some drama practice on “The Gita”. I had forwarded a list and catalogue of the plays I’ve written with a synopsis of each and so the festival coordinators chose “The Gita” and “Canto 10”.

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