When we think of a place that we have heard of or been to, certain images of that place come to mind.
Before arriving at Poland I’ve imagined cobble-stone streets. The town here has it’s share of some.
It is a surface excellent for the feet – a natural reflexology experience.
I’m happy to see monks in Europe taking to croc footwear. According to Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami, an American born monk now mostly situated in Eastern Europe and Russia they are so incredibly comfortable. My walks in my crocs have been mostly by the rivers in the area as there is a confluence of them in the area. A smooth sailing swan plied over a tributary as fisherman stood by anchored by their bait.
At the Woodstock site clouds broke the penetration of the sun. I was scheduled to speak just prior to our play presentation “Canto 10” when rain was sent in torrents. It meant that our tent had become packed with people in the hundreds sheltered from wetness. It was an opportunity to speak about the glories of a renounced person’s simple existence. Normally our beer induced crowds are not always extremely attentive but I guess the rain itself induced a type of sobriety.

Madhumangal was the night’s MC and was that special crowd pleaser. As “Smalec” (stage name),prior to taking on a new name, he had been known as the Number One punk rocking musician in Poland. It was a case of a punk becoming a monk. We had a way with spunk on that stage. If you have influence and you’ve got a good message then broadcast, broadcast, broadcast.
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