Friday 25 July 2008

Monday, July 21st, 2008

Mon. July 21, 2008 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Festivals in Krishna Consciousness can be very tense from both the administrative and performance perspective. You are involved with a lot of people. To unwind, walking from a festival site back to a local temple or one’s accommodations spot is so much a must for me. It allows me time to go over what went on, what went right, and what went wrong. As it is the mundane world we live in `nothing is ever perfect. So I add up mentally the pluses and minuses.

The last few evenings I had been able to trek the stretch from the ferry docks at the base of Yonge Street on up to the Avenue Rd. temple.

This evening I went to visit a sibling, Pauline, who is turning half a century in four days! My little sister lost her husband to a nasty bullet shot last December leaving all of us startled in an unexpected mystery. In our tradition monks are permitted to see family and to give comfort and so here I am seeing and supporting Pauline. She has increased her level of hope and is looking more positive. She relayed a story about dad going back many years when his employers announced to himself and all co-workers about their being laid off of work at the factory. His co-workers left the building somewhat disgruntled. Dad stayed on feigning that his shoes need re-tying. When all left except the employer he said firmly, “ I need to work. I’ll do anything. I’ll sweep the floor, whatever you want!” So he stayed on being employed. Dad was not a quitter.

When I returned back to the temple being driven by the moody monk (who admits he’s less moody these days) I took another unwinding walk to reflect on the policy of determination in spiritual life. I had a good sleep that night.


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