Friday, 7 December 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sun. Nov.18/07 Buenos Aries, Aregentina
The real star of yesterday’s show at the Montevideo monument was a little urchin boy (about 6 years. old) clad in smudged sweat pants and no top, his face injured by a recent fall or fight. After spending hours mingling in the crowd he helped himself up to the top of the monument’s base and managed to squeeze his body between Bhakti Bhushana Swami and I. There he decided to remain to see what it’s like at the top. Despite hie frivolity he steadfastly kept his ground. Finally after the exuberant kirtan finished he gambled his way to the mic hoping to imitate Ajamaila with an amplified voice. The lengthy kirtan drew us into the night and the show was over but our friend tried to make a last sound. Before disassembling the sound equipment our sound man decided to give the unkept but quiet boy a chance. Our local Mother Superior, Maha Murti, schooled him in a crash course on the popular chant, “Hare Krishna.” He proudly and exclusively delivered the mantra-nothing else. It grabbed the attention of the few remaining stragglers who gave him a cheer and applause. I think it was the greatest moment of the boy’s life.
Today’s venture top the park fueled by local monk, Gunagrahi swami, entailed a three and a half hour chanting session. The park was flooded with craftsmen, musicians and buskers of all kinds. The tango couple were popular but I would see our performance, not far behind in bringing attention, was a show of a different kind.
Reflecting on the day of entertainment from dawn to dusk the robins enjoying spring in Argentina have everyone beat when they send off their melodies at the crack of dawn. When first seeing them on their first day of this trip to Buenos Aries I addressed them while they were perched on trees, “So this is where you guys go in the winter.”

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