Monday, 17 September 2007
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Thurs., Sept. 13, 2007 St. John's, Newfoundland
Doug was informed that it was the tail end of a hurricane that we experienced the day before at Bona Vista. But today was the ideal weather for ending the marathon. The sun expressed it's golden glory.
The walk from Portugal Cove Road and Highway 1 was a windy, snakey route around Quidi Vidi Lake, east on Water Street and onto Blackhead Road to Cape Spear.
On Water Street a man with a shaven head doing renovations at a store-front, adressed me as either 'Dalai Lama,' 'Hare Lama,' or 'Dalai Rama.' I stopped. "I met one of you guys at Main and Hastings (a Vancouver slum region) some years ago. It was the opening of a bank that was to help the low-income people in the area with financing. The current Premier of British Columbia and the former leader, Mike Harcourt were there."
"Was it '96?" I asked.
"Yes, come to think of it."
"That was me during my first pilgrimage," I stated. We continued our conversation. It is a small world we agreed. After I left him I thought, "It is a small world with not enough monks." I was spotted because of the robes, which represent detachment, simplicity, compassion, wisdom and freedom. I feel that the world could use more monks to share the road to remind the people of a more spiritual obligation.
Paul Connolly, who sings in the Basilica choir and has a love for Jesus and Krishna alike, came to join me for the last leg of the trek. The vistas up to the last step and to Canada's oldest lighthouse (The Cape Spear) were spectacular.
Jan, another local Newfoundlander, also came to walk the last steps into a ravine where we would actually touch the cool Atlantic liquid splashing against well worn rocks. Bruce, from CBC-TV, was there to capture the final moments of the walk. St. John's newspaper the Telegram also came out to cover the story. CBC radio also talked about the walk as part of the early morning news.
Tourists were enthusiastic, on this fine day of clear weather, to visit the eastern-most point of North America, Cape Spear. Amongst them was a group of car enthusiasts from a car club in Ontario who drove their antique automobiles past us finalizing their long journey. One tourist group from Montreal in a shuttle bus stopped to offer congratulations on our trek which they had heard about. They also sang the song 'Happy Trails to You (Until We Meet Again).'
Paul, Jan, Doug, Billie and I conducted a mini-celebration with kirtan (chanting), the optimum course for any happy event. There is no better way to express gratitude for the energy, space, time and opportunity that has been made available for this venture.
My special thanks goes out to all the kind people who helped along the way; most of them were unknown to me but resonated some kind of feeling. Many people provided accomodations, food, funding and time.
A very special thanks goes to Nitai Rama, Garuda and Doug. There is obviously a big feeling of inadequate gratitude to guru, Srila Prabhupada and to the creator, Krishna. Thanks for the legs.
I will have to tally the distance of three cross-country walks but a ball-park figure would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 23,000 kilometers.
I ended this day at the residence of Dr. Vikram Jala in Clarenville, Newfoundland. My sister, Pauline called to convey to me that our father's health is failing and that he may not have long to live. So I called him at the hospital and thanked him over and again for all that he had done for me in giving all the good things- in principle, purpose, belief in the creator, the love of fresh air, early rising, keeping active and walking those trails.
23 kms
THE REPORT ON WALKING WILL CONTINUE...................................
The walk from Portugal Cove Road and Highway 1 was a windy, snakey route around Quidi Vidi Lake, east on Water Street and onto Blackhead Road to Cape Spear.
On Water Street a man with a shaven head doing renovations at a store-front, adressed me as either 'Dalai Lama,' 'Hare Lama,' or 'Dalai Rama.' I stopped. "I met one of you guys at Main and Hastings (a Vancouver slum region) some years ago. It was the opening of a bank that was to help the low-income people in the area with financing. The current Premier of British Columbia and the former leader, Mike Harcourt were there."
"Was it '96?" I asked.
"Yes, come to think of it."
"That was me during my first pilgrimage," I stated. We continued our conversation. It is a small world we agreed. After I left him I thought, "It is a small world with not enough monks." I was spotted because of the robes, which represent detachment, simplicity, compassion, wisdom and freedom. I feel that the world could use more monks to share the road to remind the people of a more spiritual obligation.
Paul Connolly, who sings in the Basilica choir and has a love for Jesus and Krishna alike, came to join me for the last leg of the trek. The vistas up to the last step and to Canada's oldest lighthouse (The Cape Spear) were spectacular.
Jan, another local Newfoundlander, also came to walk the last steps into a ravine where we would actually touch the cool Atlantic liquid splashing against well worn rocks. Bruce, from CBC-TV, was there to capture the final moments of the walk. St. John's newspaper the Telegram also came out to cover the story. CBC radio also talked about the walk as part of the early morning news.
Tourists were enthusiastic, on this fine day of clear weather, to visit the eastern-most point of North America, Cape Spear. Amongst them was a group of car enthusiasts from a car club in Ontario who drove their antique automobiles past us finalizing their long journey. One tourist group from Montreal in a shuttle bus stopped to offer congratulations on our trek which they had heard about. They also sang the song 'Happy Trails to You (Until We Meet Again).'
Paul, Jan, Doug, Billie and I conducted a mini-celebration with kirtan (chanting), the optimum course for any happy event. There is no better way to express gratitude for the energy, space, time and opportunity that has been made available for this venture.
My special thanks goes out to all the kind people who helped along the way; most of them were unknown to me but resonated some kind of feeling. Many people provided accomodations, food, funding and time.
A very special thanks goes to Nitai Rama, Garuda and Doug. There is obviously a big feeling of inadequate gratitude to guru, Srila Prabhupada and to the creator, Krishna. Thanks for the legs.
I will have to tally the distance of three cross-country walks but a ball-park figure would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 23,000 kilometers.
I ended this day at the residence of Dr. Vikram Jala in Clarenville, Newfoundland. My sister, Pauline called to convey to me that our father's health is failing and that he may not have long to live. So I called him at the hospital and thanked him over and again for all that he had done for me in giving all the good things- in principle, purpose, belief in the creator, the love of fresh air, early rising, keeping active and walking those trails.
23 kms
THE REPORT ON WALKING WILL CONTINUE...................................
Wed., Sept. 12, 2007 Bona Vista, Newfoundland
Bona Vista is a major historical location in North America. At a northeastern tip of a peninsula off of Newfoundland, John Cabot and crew landed landed to discover what we now know as Canada. In 1497, while on the sea in the ship 'Matthew,' he spotted a rugged coastline. Doug and I poked around a bit, curious about a formation known as the 'Dungeon.' While fighting a harsh moment of drizzle and high winds, we captured with our eyes an aspect of the creator's domain. The winds were strong and an umbrella's efforts were all in vain.
At North Atlantic College, I had gone to visit a friend from the last pilgrimage in 2003. Pat Marshall is the college counselor. He introduced me to the staff and then we chatted about life, retirement and renunciation. As a Catholic he expressed a strong admiration for Francis of Assisi.
Dinner was at the Jala residence in Clarenville. The cooking was phenomenal like that of Subuddhi, the head of our ashram in Toronto. Dr. Jala booked a nice room for us in a motel in St. John's. This was an act of seva (or service) to the 'men of the cloth' as they often say here out east.
Incidentally, we do become charmed by linguistic sayings here as well as accents which are strongly Irish. Newfoundland is a very beautiful and unique place. It almost feels like we are in a different country.
The day ended after brief walking (due to nasty weather) at the home of an old acquaintance, a student of yoga. Rather influential people of the island, from the education and legal professions were the other guests there. After meal time, one of the guests had an attack which compelled the host to call 911. At the table, the guest went into a deep state of being, almost unconscious. We thought we lost him. Life is so fragile. At midnight we shut our eyelids, and took rest before the final day on the road to complete the pilgrimage this time around.
17 kms
At North Atlantic College, I had gone to visit a friend from the last pilgrimage in 2003. Pat Marshall is the college counselor. He introduced me to the staff and then we chatted about life, retirement and renunciation. As a Catholic he expressed a strong admiration for Francis of Assisi.
Dinner was at the Jala residence in Clarenville. The cooking was phenomenal like that of Subuddhi, the head of our ashram in Toronto. Dr. Jala booked a nice room for us in a motel in St. John's. This was an act of seva (or service) to the 'men of the cloth' as they often say here out east.
Incidentally, we do become charmed by linguistic sayings here as well as accents which are strongly Irish. Newfoundland is a very beautiful and unique place. It almost feels like we are in a different country.
The day ended after brief walking (due to nasty weather) at the home of an old acquaintance, a student of yoga. Rather influential people of the island, from the education and legal professions were the other guests there. After meal time, one of the guests had an attack which compelled the host to call 911. At the table, the guest went into a deep state of being, almost unconscious. We thought we lost him. Life is so fragile. At midnight we shut our eyelids, and took rest before the final day on the road to complete the pilgrimage this time around.
17 kms
Tues., Sept. 11, 2007 Clarenville, Newfoundland
Canada is big and it is difficult to walk the whole length due to the fact that it is separated by water in many parts. To get to Newfoundland, the final province of our chalked out route, it took four hours to reach the ferry terminal, six hours on the ferry, and then an eight hour drive to reach the eastern side of the island. Yes, the final touches to the third walk will be done by visiting various communities along the eastern coast beginning with Clarenville. Doug, Billie and I drove the length of this spectacularly wild and beautiful terrain. Impressive are the cliffs that bear a purple hue. Less impressive was the visual display of a moose head mounted on the back of a vehicle illustrating a hunter's gain.
I trekked a short distance on Highway 230A. I was determined to put in some time because the legs do get antsy being stationary in a vehicle for so long. I had also been inspired after meeting a 65 year old gentleman named Bob who owns a transmission shop in Halifax. Recently, he ran across Newfoundland in 23 days covering 900 kilometers. Not bad for a senior.
In Clarenville, Audrey from VOCM (CKVO) 590 AM radio, taped a phone interviewed about the walk's purpose. My main message was, whether walking or running, reflecting or praying, we just don't, as a society, do enough of any of them.
In the evening, Doug, Billie and I were accomodated by Dr. Vikram Jala and family at their home. They asked me to speak about the distinction between Karma yoga and jnana yoga, which I did.
7 kms
I trekked a short distance on Highway 230A. I was determined to put in some time because the legs do get antsy being stationary in a vehicle for so long. I had also been inspired after meeting a 65 year old gentleman named Bob who owns a transmission shop in Halifax. Recently, he ran across Newfoundland in 23 days covering 900 kilometers. Not bad for a senior.
In Clarenville, Audrey from VOCM (CKVO) 590 AM radio, taped a phone interviewed about the walk's purpose. My main message was, whether walking or running, reflecting or praying, we just don't, as a society, do enough of any of them.
In the evening, Doug, Billie and I were accomodated by Dr. Vikram Jala and family at their home. They asked me to speak about the distinction between Karma yoga and jnana yoga, which I did.
7 kms
Mon., Sept. 10, 2007 Halifax, Nova Scotia
Little walking today as we made the long drive to the Sydney ferry for the six hour ride to Newfoundland.
Friday, 14 September 2007
Sun., Sept. 9, 2007
It was a stroll while chanting on beads that took six of us to the Halifax Harbour. We had all donned dhotis (robes) and kurtas (long
shirts) and carried our meditational beads, fingering each bead while reciting the maha-mantra. We took time to do some sight-seeing
on foot. After all, the perfection of sight-seeing is pilgrimage.
Part of the day's walk involved a trip to the Maritime Museum featuring artifacts from the Titanic disaster as well as an exhibit 'Pirates:
Facts and Myths.' I was surprised to learn that there were women pirates on the Atlantic and that 'walking the plank' was not
historically evidenced.
Later in the morning, we were invited to the Hindu temple on Oxford Street to do a talk and some chanting.The founding fathers of
the community gave high praise of Prabhupada.
Our long day, however, was not over until the conclusion of the first event hosted by the two monks, Dwija and Nitai, at their house.
a comfortable and cozy gathering of 20 plus people sat to hear about the adventures of Canadian pilgrimage. We culminated the
presentation with mantra meditation and refreshments which were enthusiastically partaken of by all. there was little walking but more
7 kms
shirts) and carried our meditational beads, fingering each bead while reciting the maha-mantra. We took time to do some sight-seeing
on foot. After all, the perfection of sight-seeing is pilgrimage.
Part of the day's walk involved a trip to the Maritime Museum featuring artifacts from the Titanic disaster as well as an exhibit 'Pirates:
Facts and Myths.' I was surprised to learn that there were women pirates on the Atlantic and that 'walking the plank' was not
historically evidenced.
Later in the morning, we were invited to the Hindu temple on Oxford Street to do a talk and some chanting.The founding fathers of
the community gave high praise of Prabhupada.
Our long day, however, was not over until the conclusion of the first event hosted by the two monks, Dwija and Nitai, at their house.
a comfortable and cozy gathering of 20 plus people sat to hear about the adventures of Canadian pilgrimage. We culminated the
presentation with mantra meditation and refreshments which were enthusiastically partaken of by all. there was little walking but more
7 kms
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Sat., Sept. 8, 2007 Halifax/Dartmouth, NS
"Whatever is the time of awakening for the introspective sage is the time of sleep for the conditioned soul." This is the statement from the Bhagavad Gita. Early rising is natural and is the best time for internalizing.
I'm out the door at 4:15 AM and onto Agricola Street to find some late night party-goers standing about. They diverted me to the McDonald Bridge. So that was my route- over the Halifax harbour onto highway 332 southbound through Dartmouth. The weather went from clear to dense fog. Occasionally a dark blur would emerge, come closer and reveal a person. I communicated something to them unless they would speak to me first.
If you ask for directions out here a woman on the east coast might say, "It's this way, dear," or "I don't know darlin'."
At the airport in the afternoon, Doug, Dwija, Nitai and I went to fetch Murari, a doctor from Miami, Ram Lila, an accountant from Toronto, and Ajamil, a singer from Toronto. We went from the airport straight to Peggy's Cove, a favorite tourist destination for those who want to cut out a slice of quiet in their lives. An old light-house, huge boulder rocks, a sleepy rustic fishing village, and the mighty Atlantic is what draws people here.
We all sat on one huge rock and with dolak and mrdanga drums, harmonium, hand, and tambourine we sang devotional songs (bhajans). People were attracted and came closer to us as the sun sank into the infinite water.
25 kms
I'm out the door at 4:15 AM and onto Agricola Street to find some late night party-goers standing about. They diverted me to the McDonald Bridge. So that was my route- over the Halifax harbour onto highway 332 southbound through Dartmouth. The weather went from clear to dense fog. Occasionally a dark blur would emerge, come closer and reveal a person. I communicated something to them unless they would speak to me first.
If you ask for directions out here a woman on the east coast might say, "It's this way, dear," or "I don't know darlin'."
At the airport in the afternoon, Doug, Dwija, Nitai and I went to fetch Murari, a doctor from Miami, Ram Lila, an accountant from Toronto, and Ajamil, a singer from Toronto. We went from the airport straight to Peggy's Cove, a favorite tourist destination for those who want to cut out a slice of quiet in their lives. An old light-house, huge boulder rocks, a sleepy rustic fishing village, and the mighty Atlantic is what draws people here.
We all sat on one huge rock and with dolak and mrdanga drums, harmonium, hand, and tambourine we sang devotional songs (bhajans). People were attracted and came closer to us as the sun sank into the infinite water.
25 kms
Fri., Sept. 7, 2007 Sackville, Nova Scotia
Two monks have opened up a center for mantra meditation sessions here in the city of Halifax. Nitai and Dwija are their names and I've known both of them practically since they joined. I remember Dwija coming to our Toronto ashram in 1982. His name was Dave at the time and he was a young and intelligent fellow. Now, of course, he's older (50) and even wiser. Nitai hails from St. John, New Brunswick and joined the ashram in Vancouver. At that time he was Steve. Both of these sincere young men studied and served in their respective ashrams and took the next step towards spiritual progress by being initiated. Both have contributed many good years of their lives to spreading a higher consciousness. Their phone number is 902-880-6678 and they have a website at krsnasphere.com.
Nitai and Dwija have teamed up to the process of sweet surrender for this project in Halifax. They are both musical and philosophical, as well as being excellent cooks.
I was honoured to have these two bright stars walk with me for the final five kilometers into Halifax on Bedford Road.
In the evening I laid down to rest feeling very satisfied with the company given to me today.
I slept in gratitude.
33 kms
Nitai and Dwija have teamed up to the process of sweet surrender for this project in Halifax. They are both musical and philosophical, as well as being excellent cooks.
I was honoured to have these two bright stars walk with me for the final five kilometers into Halifax on Bedford Road.
In the evening I laid down to rest feeling very satisfied with the company given to me today.
I slept in gratitude.
33 kms
Friday, 7 September 2007
St. Stephen, New Brunswick Aug. 28, 2007
Bhaktimarga Swami, a Hare Krishna monk, is walking across Canada to promote walking and a “simpler lifestyle.” His journey brought him through St. Stephen on Monday.
By NEVILLE CRABBE ST. STEPHEN - Travellers held captive in St. Stephen border traffic on Monday witnessed an eyecatching site - Bhaktimarga Swami, a Hare Krishna monk in a fading orange robe, who was passing through town on a cross-Canada walk. Some men of the cloth would be uncomfortable with the attention, but for the Chatham, Ont., native it is old-hat this being his third 7,800-kilometre, cross-Canada walk. Beginning in 1993, Swami set off from Vancouver Island for Cape Spear, Nfld. Ten years later he finished the circle by walking the opposite direction. His 2007 installment, like the first, started in the West. Similar to others who have undertaken voyages of this type, of course Terry Fox comes to mind, Swami has a stated cause, albeit unconventional. His motive is not to raise funds, though he gladly accepts donations, instead he says, “it’s like a friendraiser.” He aims to promote walking and a simpler lifestyle than most Canadians know. In an interview on Monday, Swami explained the benefits of what he calls “reflective walking.” “I’d like to think that I’m doing this for Canada, to encourage people to walk more and give their car a break. Really, I’m promoting a care free, car free kind of culture,” he said. In an age where rising temperatures threaten the planet, people assume that Swami has an environmental agenda, but he said that’s not the case. He says that by caring about one’s body and spirit, a concern for the environment comes naturally. “When you go walking you sort a lot of things out for yourself in your mind,” he said. And by doing so he hopes to inspire people and be inspired by the people he meets. As a teacher and practitioner of bhakti yoga, the self-styled “walking monk” espouses the benefits of his lifestyle. “It’s better for me than anything,” he says. Swami reasons that legs make up approximately half the human body and deserve the same level of stimulation that we often reserve for our minds and stomach. One might say that this monk indeed walks the walk. On his voyages, Swami said he’s experienced plenty of good heartedness from fellow Canadians. People who listen to the soft-spoken man will invite him into their homes and give him food and drink. Many passersby have pulled over and offered rides, all of which he declined. Swami says that these sympathetic people often just want to talk, and for him that validates his purpose. “Kindness,” says the 54-year old, “is a religion in itself.” When asked what sort of footwear he trusts to take him cross-country, Swami bends purposefully forward and lifts his robe shin high to reveal a pair of olive coloured rubber Crocs. Inside he has an insert for arch support that looks as though it has melded into the clog. He has tried running shoes and sneakers but says they are constricting and that whatever affects your feet will affect many other organs in your body. Where to next? On Monday Swami planned on travelling from St. Stephen to Saint John to catch the ferry to Digby, N.S. From there he’ll walk through Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island. Walking across the Maritime provinces, the monk is encouraged by his prospects. “The more East you go, the sweeter it gets in terms of people’s hospitality.”
Chuck Brown, Editor St. Croix Courier/Courier Weekend
By NEVILLE CRABBE ST. STEPHEN - Travellers held captive in St. Stephen border traffic on Monday witnessed an eyecatching site - Bhaktimarga Swami, a Hare Krishna monk in a fading orange robe, who was passing through town on a cross-Canada walk. Some men of the cloth would be uncomfortable with the attention, but for the Chatham, Ont., native it is old-hat this being his third 7,800-kilometre, cross-Canada walk. Beginning in 1993, Swami set off from Vancouver Island for Cape Spear, Nfld. Ten years later he finished the circle by walking the opposite direction. His 2007 installment, like the first, started in the West. Similar to others who have undertaken voyages of this type, of course Terry Fox comes to mind, Swami has a stated cause, albeit unconventional. His motive is not to raise funds, though he gladly accepts donations, instead he says, “it’s like a friendraiser.” He aims to promote walking and a simpler lifestyle than most Canadians know. In an interview on Monday, Swami explained the benefits of what he calls “reflective walking.” “I’d like to think that I’m doing this for Canada, to encourage people to walk more and give their car a break. Really, I’m promoting a care free, car free kind of culture,” he said. In an age where rising temperatures threaten the planet, people assume that Swami has an environmental agenda, but he said that’s not the case. He says that by caring about one’s body and spirit, a concern for the environment comes naturally. “When you go walking you sort a lot of things out for yourself in your mind,” he said. And by doing so he hopes to inspire people and be inspired by the people he meets. As a teacher and practitioner of bhakti yoga, the self-styled “walking monk” espouses the benefits of his lifestyle. “It’s better for me than anything,” he says. Swami reasons that legs make up approximately half the human body and deserve the same level of stimulation that we often reserve for our minds and stomach. One might say that this monk indeed walks the walk. On his voyages, Swami said he’s experienced plenty of good heartedness from fellow Canadians. People who listen to the soft-spoken man will invite him into their homes and give him food and drink. Many passersby have pulled over and offered rides, all of which he declined. Swami says that these sympathetic people often just want to talk, and for him that validates his purpose. “Kindness,” says the 54-year old, “is a religion in itself.” When asked what sort of footwear he trusts to take him cross-country, Swami bends purposefully forward and lifts his robe shin high to reveal a pair of olive coloured rubber Crocs. Inside he has an insert for arch support that looks as though it has melded into the clog. He has tried running shoes and sneakers but says they are constricting and that whatever affects your feet will affect many other organs in your body. Where to next? On Monday Swami planned on travelling from St. Stephen to Saint John to catch the ferry to Digby, N.S. From there he’ll walk through Nova Scotia to Prince Edward Island. Walking across the Maritime provinces, the monk is encouraged by his prospects. “The more East you go, the sweeter it gets in terms of people’s hospitality.”
Chuck Brown, Editor St. Croix Courier/Courier Weekend
Thurs., Sept. 6, 2007 Lakelands, Nova Scotia
I began today's footsteps in Falmouth, Nova Scotia. The location is quite unique. We are in the actual place midway between the
equator and the North Pole. The town just east over the bridge, Windsor, claims to be the birthplace of the ever popular sport called
hockey. The boys of King's College (Canada's first college, established in 1788) adapted the field game Hurley to the ice in the early
1800's, calling the sport Ice Hurley. Over the next few decades the name was changed to Ice Hockey, which was played with a
wooden puck. Soldiers at Fort Edward later brought the game to Halifax and Dartmouth. Hockey was introduced to Montreal in 1875.
Another significant feature of Windsor is that it boasts growing the largest pumpkins in the world. Every October, the top of the huge
pumpkins are cut off. Then the pumpkins are gutted and used as boats in which people race across the local lake.
I met Joey, a talkative cheerful type. I also met Fred, the gas station attendant who was very friendly. I ran into some friends I know
who are followers of "The Art of Living." The person I spent the most time with today was a biker who chatted with me twice.
Between the two of us it became quite philosophical. Upon his departure he said, "Men do truly all die but not all men do truly live."
Nadine from the Hants Journal newspaper interviewed me, also.
Highway 1 is a pleasant long and winding road which is quiet and relaxing. I feel very blessed to be walking it's course. Yesterday I completed the Prince Edward Island stretch. Now I'm finishing Nova Scotia then on to Newfoundland for the final leg of
the journey.
30 kms
equator and the North Pole. The town just east over the bridge, Windsor, claims to be the birthplace of the ever popular sport called
hockey. The boys of King's College (Canada's first college, established in 1788) adapted the field game Hurley to the ice in the early
1800's, calling the sport Ice Hurley. Over the next few decades the name was changed to Ice Hockey, which was played with a
wooden puck. Soldiers at Fort Edward later brought the game to Halifax and Dartmouth. Hockey was introduced to Montreal in 1875.
Another significant feature of Windsor is that it boasts growing the largest pumpkins in the world. Every October, the top of the huge
pumpkins are cut off. Then the pumpkins are gutted and used as boats in which people race across the local lake.
I met Joey, a talkative cheerful type. I also met Fred, the gas station attendant who was very friendly. I ran into some friends I know
who are followers of "The Art of Living." The person I spent the most time with today was a biker who chatted with me twice.
Between the two of us it became quite philosophical. Upon his departure he said, "Men do truly all die but not all men do truly live."
Nadine from the Hants Journal newspaper interviewed me, also.
Highway 1 is a pleasant long and winding road which is quiet and relaxing. I feel very blessed to be walking it's course. Yesterday I completed the Prince Edward Island stretch. Now I'm finishing Nova Scotia then on to Newfoundland for the final leg of
the journey.
30 kms
Wed., Sept. 5, 2007 Charlottetown, PEI
The temperature has dropped substantially. I left Doug at our host's place sleeping as the events of the previous night kept
celebrants of Krishna's birth up til 1:30 AM.
I walked in the brisk morning air to the downtown, passing by the government building where Confederation was signed for Canada to
bcomee an independent nation.
In front of a radio station, rock music was filtering out of speakers. I recognized the music, "Sweet Dreams" by Annie Lennox and the
Eurythmics. I recalled meeting her in the early eighties. While in town for a concert she came to visit our ISKCON center. I had cooked
samosas for her and members of her band. She was a lovely person and not just an entertainer.
The broadcasters on the other side of the glass at the radio station gave hearty waves as I reciprocated. A meter man collected
coins from parking meters and asked as I walked , "Hey aren't you the guy walking?" We exchanged more but the chill this morning
pushed everyone on to their business as it did in this case.
Global warming, well I don't know! It is nippy for September. However one man I met on the trail two days ago told me his son is a
mountie in the North West Territories. His son informed him that grizzlies have moved into a traditional polar bear zone. This is indeed
a symptom of global 'warming.'
Today is the birth anniversary of our guru, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. At noon a small group of devotees
gathered to participate in remembrances of him on this auspicious day. I would be like a dry well if not for him coming into my life. Our
small event occurred at the Hariharan residence before Doug, Billie and I headed back to Nova Scotia.
All respects go to guru.
12 kms
celebrants of Krishna's birth up til 1:30 AM.
I walked in the brisk morning air to the downtown, passing by the government building where Confederation was signed for Canada to
bcomee an independent nation.
In front of a radio station, rock music was filtering out of speakers. I recognized the music, "Sweet Dreams" by Annie Lennox and the
Eurythmics. I recalled meeting her in the early eighties. While in town for a concert she came to visit our ISKCON center. I had cooked
samosas for her and members of her band. She was a lovely person and not just an entertainer.
The broadcasters on the other side of the glass at the radio station gave hearty waves as I reciprocated. A meter man collected
coins from parking meters and asked as I walked , "Hey aren't you the guy walking?" We exchanged more but the chill this morning
pushed everyone on to their business as it did in this case.
Global warming, well I don't know! It is nippy for September. However one man I met on the trail two days ago told me his son is a
mountie in the North West Territories. His son informed him that grizzlies have moved into a traditional polar bear zone. This is indeed
a symptom of global 'warming.'
Today is the birth anniversary of our guru, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. At noon a small group of devotees
gathered to participate in remembrances of him on this auspicious day. I would be like a dry well if not for him coming into my life. Our
small event occurred at the Hariharan residence before Doug, Billie and I headed back to Nova Scotia.
All respects go to guru.
12 kms
Tues., Sept. 4, 2007 Charlottetown, PEI
Today is Janmasthami, the birth of Lord Krishna. Those folks who were tuned into CBC radio in PEI had heard in the morning news that Hindu's were looking forward to today's celebrations. Listeners also heard about the walk. Doug heard the broadcast while I trekked the Confederation Trail also known as the Trans Canada Trail segment on the island.
It was a full day fast from eating in observance of Janmasthami, even though I walked 42 kilometers. Wild apple trees and berries were ignored in order in order to honour the tradition. I didn't ignore people on the trail though. Two men from the department that maintains the trail received my compliments. Even if persons are paid for public services, I see no harm in showing appreciation. The two men had come to remove cut tree branches and when they bumped into me, they were a bit surprised with the robes and also surprised with the compliments.
The trail from the village of Elliot to Charlottetown is lined with shrubs, trees and valleys. It's beautiful. Looking up, I viewed the sky which was an attractive blue. Krishna is usually identified with this colour.
Brian McGinnis from Charlottetown paper The Guardian came for a photograph.
The evening was spent in the residence of the Hariharans where we celebrated the occasion with chanting, discussion, a ceremony for bathing a deity of Krishna and breaking the fast at midnight.
42 kms
It was a full day fast from eating in observance of Janmasthami, even though I walked 42 kilometers. Wild apple trees and berries were ignored in order in order to honour the tradition. I didn't ignore people on the trail though. Two men from the department that maintains the trail received my compliments. Even if persons are paid for public services, I see no harm in showing appreciation. The two men had come to remove cut tree branches and when they bumped into me, they were a bit surprised with the robes and also surprised with the compliments.
The trail from the village of Elliot to Charlottetown is lined with shrubs, trees and valleys. It's beautiful. Looking up, I viewed the sky which was an attractive blue. Krishna is usually identified with this colour.
Brian McGinnis from Charlottetown paper The Guardian came for a photograph.
The evening was spent in the residence of the Hariharans where we celebrated the occasion with chanting, discussion, a ceremony for bathing a deity of Krishna and breaking the fast at midnight.
42 kms
Mon., Sept. 3, 2007 Emerald, Prince Edward Island
The wind was ever present today. At times it even howled hauntingly. I started from Summerside. While still dark, I met an officer. He was curious and indicated that people on the island may not understand my purpose. I asked him, "How is crime these days?"
"It's up," he responded.
"That's 75% of the problem," he said
"That's what my message is about. If spirituality and God consciousness was to be even a small part of everyone's life it could temper the bad habits."
I did meet many people on the Confederation Trail (an old railway line converted to a walking/ bike path) who did appreciate power walking. Of course, this is what they were doing. In general, Prince Edward Island is pretty, very agricultural (45% rural folks) and conservative. There are world class beaches here. The soil is red. The terrain is rolling hills. It's called the land of Anne. Canada's most famous novel, 'Anne of Green Gables' originates from here. Stompin' Tom Connors, a famous singer songwriter grew up on this island of 100,000 people
Kerry Campbell of CBC Radio came to the trail for an interview. Questions were related to the walk. Doug and I mentioned that tomorrow is Janmastami, Krishna's birthday. Kerry asked about that and then requested that I chant a mantra. So I did, I chanted "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare."
Our accomodations are with a family of South Indians. Professor Hariharan is a teacher at the University. His wife works with the Government. We are very grateful to them, they are wonderful people.
39 kms
"It's up," he responded.
"That's 75% of the problem," he said
"That's what my message is about. If spirituality and God consciousness was to be even a small part of everyone's life it could temper the bad habits."
I did meet many people on the Confederation Trail (an old railway line converted to a walking/ bike path) who did appreciate power walking. Of course, this is what they were doing. In general, Prince Edward Island is pretty, very agricultural (45% rural folks) and conservative. There are world class beaches here. The soil is red. The terrain is rolling hills. It's called the land of Anne. Canada's most famous novel, 'Anne of Green Gables' originates from here. Stompin' Tom Connors, a famous singer songwriter grew up on this island of 100,000 people
Kerry Campbell of CBC Radio came to the trail for an interview. Questions were related to the walk. Doug and I mentioned that tomorrow is Janmastami, Krishna's birthday. Kerry asked about that and then requested that I chant a mantra. So I did, I chanted "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare."
Our accomodations are with a family of South Indians. Professor Hariharan is a teacher at the University. His wife works with the Government. We are very grateful to them, they are wonderful people.
39 kms
Monday, 3 September 2007
Sun., Sept. 2, 2007 Windsor, Nova Scotia
It's actually hard to meet pedestrians. There just aren't any- or very little. This is North America, a car-bound culture. Distances re far apart. I did bump into a young couple though in a town on highway 1. We conversed for a good while as we were trekking. Many people are outside their homes taking in perfect temperatures of 23 degrees Celsius. A chap who works in a deli really showed interest.
Whlle on the road with Doug for a stretch, we witnessed the remains of an animal speculating as to what it was. We pondeed so much the theory proposed by Darwin. For someone who himself speculated on evolution, it is suprising that masses of people in the world have latched onto such speculation. The arguments made by Prabhupada as well as by author Michael Cremo on Darwin are challenging and quite convincing to the point of rejecting such a notion.
THe evolution that monks in the Krishna tradition accept is the soul's movement from less conscious to more conscious. Evolution through learning by change of body is the concept we adhere to.
For a four hour drive, Doug, Billie and I left Nova Scotia for Prince Edward Island over the 13 km long Confederation Bridge. All is well.
33. kms
Whlle on the road with Doug for a stretch, we witnessed the remains of an animal speculating as to what it was. We pondeed so much the theory proposed by Darwin. For someone who himself speculated on evolution, it is suprising that masses of people in the world have latched onto such speculation. The arguments made by Prabhupada as well as by author Michael Cremo on Darwin are challenging and quite convincing to the point of rejecting such a notion.
THe evolution that monks in the Krishna tradition accept is the soul's movement from less conscious to more conscious. Evolution through learning by change of body is the concept we adhere to.
For a four hour drive, Doug, Billie and I left Nova Scotia for Prince Edward Island over the 13 km long Confederation Bridge. All is well.
33. kms
Sat. Sept. 1, 2007 Kentville, Nova Scotia
It was 4:30 AM and in the distance but coming closer was the sound of fire-crackers. It was coming from behind and there was a car with three young intoxicated dudes in it. They were driving on a flat tire as they drove by. An hour and a half later, they came around again,pattering on the rim. "When are you going to fix your tire?" I asked. They stopped. "You got a spare tire?" one of them asked. "Yeah, right here," I replied as my fingers pointed to my abdomen. They laughed. From there I broke the ice and made friends with the boys on beer.
In Kentville, I met a gentleman driving a hearse for a funeral home. He told me he had a friend who left for Toronto to be a monk but lost touch with him. We spoke about austerity within monasteries. I told him of our ashram and its simple but fun life. We agreed it was good to prepare for death.
On the bike trail I met quality people. From here I could see the guts of the community- the backyards of people (not bad) and the fields and orchards of rasberries, blueberries, beans and onions. There were wild blackberries and more. It was a break from the highway.
I walked along Hwy. 1 and in a rural area I heard a man whistling. I couldn't see him but only hear him. I stopped to see if I knew the tune. And I did, "Oh when the saints go marching in/ Oh when the saints go marching in/ How I want to be in that number!/ When the saints go marching in." As I walked on I could now see him, a happy middle-aged man loading something into the car in his driveway. He saw me, stopped whistling, responded to my handwave and then reciprocated with a hand gesture and continued whistling. The song wasn't meant for me. I'm no saint anyway but it is agood marching song.
I cooked a feast for Doug, Michel Palmer, our host, and his friend Brian. With mantras the food was sanctified. In the evening, Michel started a big bonfire. Our day ended with crackling wood in dancing flames. Hare Krishna.
40 kms
In Kentville, I met a gentleman driving a hearse for a funeral home. He told me he had a friend who left for Toronto to be a monk but lost touch with him. We spoke about austerity within monasteries. I told him of our ashram and its simple but fun life. We agreed it was good to prepare for death.
On the bike trail I met quality people. From here I could see the guts of the community- the backyards of people (not bad) and the fields and orchards of rasberries, blueberries, beans and onions. There were wild blackberries and more. It was a break from the highway.
I walked along Hwy. 1 and in a rural area I heard a man whistling. I couldn't see him but only hear him. I stopped to see if I knew the tune. And I did, "Oh when the saints go marching in/ Oh when the saints go marching in/ How I want to be in that number!/ When the saints go marching in." As I walked on I could now see him, a happy middle-aged man loading something into the car in his driveway. He saw me, stopped whistling, responded to my handwave and then reciprocated with a hand gesture and continued whistling. The song wasn't meant for me. I'm no saint anyway but it is agood marching song.
I cooked a feast for Doug, Michel Palmer, our host, and his friend Brian. With mantras the food was sanctified. In the evening, Michel started a big bonfire. Our day ended with crackling wood in dancing flames. Hare Krishna.
40 kms
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Fri., Aug. 31, 2007 Paradise, Nova Scotia
"God answers knee-mail," reads the sign in front of an Evangeline church. We are in Paradise, a town in Nova Scotia, set close to the
north shore of the Anapolis District off of the Bay of Fundy, which has the highest tide in the world. At low tide, the Bay reveals a
great area of ocean floor which within minutes covers in depth all that you saw.
It would be nice if love of God could fill up fast like the tide but it takes time.
I met Darrel. "For a livin' I go scallop fishing." I saw a young man driving a tractor on his way to the field. He gave the most ecstatic
wave of the hand. A woman heard about the walking mission while I was in Middleton. She packed a lunch of rye bread, humus,
cheese and fruit in a lunch cooler pack and gave it to me. A young man from the west coast stopped to offer money. There were lots
of positive signs all around. You see lots of activity in the front yards.
People were preparing for the Labour Day long weekend. It's getting busy and so is the traffic.
Some Jamacian men stop their work at a fruit stand to talk. Another young man, Jeff, took interest.
Then it rained. The Bhagavad Gita 9.19 states, "O Arjuna, I give heat, and I withhold and send rain." Rain is God's doing. From time to
time, Doug plays Mahalia Jackson's 'Didn't it Rain,' a very upbeat, soulful song. It's great.
39 kms
north shore of the Anapolis District off of the Bay of Fundy, which has the highest tide in the world. At low tide, the Bay reveals a
great area of ocean floor which within minutes covers in depth all that you saw.
It would be nice if love of God could fill up fast like the tide but it takes time.
I met Darrel. "For a livin' I go scallop fishing." I saw a young man driving a tractor on his way to the field. He gave the most ecstatic
wave of the hand. A woman heard about the walking mission while I was in Middleton. She packed a lunch of rye bread, humus,
cheese and fruit in a lunch cooler pack and gave it to me. A young man from the west coast stopped to offer money. There were lots
of positive signs all around. You see lots of activity in the front yards.
People were preparing for the Labour Day long weekend. It's getting busy and so is the traffic.
Some Jamacian men stop their work at a fruit stand to talk. Another young man, Jeff, took interest.
Then it rained. The Bhagavad Gita 9.19 states, "O Arjuna, I give heat, and I withhold and send rain." Rain is God's doing. From time to
time, Doug plays Mahalia Jackson's 'Didn't it Rain,' a very upbeat, soulful song. It's great.
39 kms
Thurs., Aug. 30, 2007 Bridgetown, Nova Scotia
"Welcome to our community!" said Juanita who was trying to catch up to me at Young's Cove. We walked together for a bit. She gave
some insight on how she sees things socially. "Families are confused." She was rather upbeat otherwise.
There is a thing I noticed that is peculiar. Ballfields, tennis courts, and benches are so underused by kids. "What are they doing?" I
asked two ladies, Tanya and Nancy, who work at the Clementsport Post Office. One of them mimed pressing a video game controller.
At one point in the morning I felt a fatigue from walking at Cornwallis. I noticed the quiet tennis court and slept for a few moments
lying right on the asphalt. No one came to play so there was no botheration for me.
Doug and I went to the oldest village in Canada. In 1605, Port Royal was born and settled by the French. Anapolis Royale was also a
charmer of a town. The Nova Scotians themselves are a charm- down to earth and very friendly.
Caroline, from the Anapolis Spectator newspaper had some great questions for me. Overal people were warm and wishing luck on the
BEWARE! Not all trails can be trusted. At 3:30 AM I trekked the DAR railroad trail from Digby but the path turned into a pond.
So.....know the path you take. Tonight's host is Michel Palmer of the Victoriavale/ Middleton area. He is finishing the roof before a
storm sets in.
50 kms
some insight on how she sees things socially. "Families are confused." She was rather upbeat otherwise.
There is a thing I noticed that is peculiar. Ballfields, tennis courts, and benches are so underused by kids. "What are they doing?" I
asked two ladies, Tanya and Nancy, who work at the Clementsport Post Office. One of them mimed pressing a video game controller.
At one point in the morning I felt a fatigue from walking at Cornwallis. I noticed the quiet tennis court and slept for a few moments
lying right on the asphalt. No one came to play so there was no botheration for me.
Doug and I went to the oldest village in Canada. In 1605, Port Royal was born and settled by the French. Anapolis Royale was also a
charmer of a town. The Nova Scotians themselves are a charm- down to earth and very friendly.
Caroline, from the Anapolis Spectator newspaper had some great questions for me. Overal people were warm and wishing luck on the
BEWARE! Not all trails can be trusted. At 3:30 AM I trekked the DAR railroad trail from Digby but the path turned into a pond.
So.....know the path you take. Tonight's host is Michel Palmer of the Victoriavale/ Middleton area. He is finishing the roof before a
storm sets in.
50 kms
Wed., Aug. 29, 2007 Saint John, NB
On my mind was a person whom I had corresponded with on the internet. He is a single young American soldier who was recently shot
in Iraq. He is also a Hare Krishna and goes by the name Partha Sarathi. I had decided to dedicate today's walk to his quick recovery.
While walking through the suburbs of Saint John, we stopped by the home of Ralph and Betty. They are parents of a Hare Krishna
monk in Canada. Recently Ralph had undergone a heart transplant and we talked about what that felt like for him. Their son Nitai Ram
is currently in Halifax with another devotee establishing a Hare Krishna center in Halifax.
There was an incredible flood of media attention. Global TV with Jennifer Singh, Diane of CTV, Diane Henry of the Wave radio station
and Tom Young for a live telephone interview on the News Radio station. As well, Ashley's story from the previous day was published
in the Telegraph Journal newspaper. The public did respond.
The images of New Brunswick are very clear here- ships, porcupines, Christmas trees, and fiddle heads (although not in season right
now), and Irving gas stations. It was our last day in the province. Saint John has splendid architecture that even a wandering
mendicant like myself, trying not to be attached to anything, can appreciate. I do appreciate the good work of others. And as stated
in the Gita by Krishna that "I am the ability in everyone" that makes me feel justified in the architecture admiration.
A ferry ride to Digby lands us in Nova Scotia. At the campsite, Doug and I are floored by the owners' Mainecoon, a cross between a
Persian cat and a Racoon.
15 kms
in Iraq. He is also a Hare Krishna and goes by the name Partha Sarathi. I had decided to dedicate today's walk to his quick recovery.
While walking through the suburbs of Saint John, we stopped by the home of Ralph and Betty. They are parents of a Hare Krishna
monk in Canada. Recently Ralph had undergone a heart transplant and we talked about what that felt like for him. Their son Nitai Ram
is currently in Halifax with another devotee establishing a Hare Krishna center in Halifax.
There was an incredible flood of media attention. Global TV with Jennifer Singh, Diane of CTV, Diane Henry of the Wave radio station
and Tom Young for a live telephone interview on the News Radio station. As well, Ashley's story from the previous day was published
in the Telegraph Journal newspaper. The public did respond.
The images of New Brunswick are very clear here- ships, porcupines, Christmas trees, and fiddle heads (although not in season right
now), and Irving gas stations. It was our last day in the province. Saint John has splendid architecture that even a wandering
mendicant like myself, trying not to be attached to anything, can appreciate. I do appreciate the good work of others. And as stated
in the Gita by Krishna that "I am the ability in everyone" that makes me feel justified in the architecture admiration.
A ferry ride to Digby lands us in Nova Scotia. At the campsite, Doug and I are floored by the owners' Mainecoon, a cross between a
Persian cat and a Racoon.
15 kms
Tues., Aug. 28, 2007 Prince of Wales, NB
Today was auspicious. It wa the birth anniversary of one of the great pigrims of history. Balaram, the divine brother of Krishna, was
born to Vasudeva and Rohini while his father was imprisoned under the unsrupulous dictator Kamsa. While the fraticidal war of
Kuruksetra ensued, Balaram decided not to inolve himself in the dispute and travel from sacred gound to sacred groud. This was an
inspiration for me today which meant a half-day fast.
Doug and I fast in any event almost each day. We eat well while on the road but less than when at our homes. We like it that way.I met a host of people- all positive. Lapeau Falls (at break time) was impessive. I walked quiet roads, then a nauseous Highway #1.
The sun blazed and I was stuck there forever it seemed. I missed Doug's parked vehicle concealed under a shady tree. Motorists
came so I got boosted. Reps from the Saint John newspaper the Telegraph Journal came. Ashley interviewed me while Peter snapped a
few photos.
After cell phone duties and snacks at the oceanside, Doug and I left for the Kennedy family house in Saint John. They were our hosts
for the evening and have been acquainted with Krishna Consciousness for some years. They enjoy drumming and chanting. Our kirtan
(chanting) at night caught the attention of a young couple, Isaac and Mellisa, who were passing by the house, so they decided to
knock on the door and join us.
35 kms
born to Vasudeva and Rohini while his father was imprisoned under the unsrupulous dictator Kamsa. While the fraticidal war of
Kuruksetra ensued, Balaram decided not to inolve himself in the dispute and travel from sacred gound to sacred groud. This was an
inspiration for me today which meant a half-day fast.
Doug and I fast in any event almost each day. We eat well while on the road but less than when at our homes. We like it that way.I met a host of people- all positive. Lapeau Falls (at break time) was impessive. I walked quiet roads, then a nauseous Highway #1.
The sun blazed and I was stuck there forever it seemed. I missed Doug's parked vehicle concealed under a shady tree. Motorists
came so I got boosted. Reps from the Saint John newspaper the Telegraph Journal came. Ashley interviewed me while Peter snapped a
few photos.
After cell phone duties and snacks at the oceanside, Doug and I left for the Kennedy family house in Saint John. They were our hosts
for the evening and have been acquainted with Krishna Consciousness for some years. They enjoy drumming and chanting. Our kirtan
(chanting) at night caught the attention of a young couple, Isaac and Mellisa, who were passing by the house, so they decided to
knock on the door and join us.
35 kms
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