Monday, 23 January 2023


Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023
Oakville, Ontario

A river by the name of Sixteen Mile and a quaint downtown where oak trees are known to have had a past and a present were two of our destination points for the day. Madhava drove us to the Medicine Shoppe for me to acquire, of all things, summer sandals, the walking on air type, to prepare for my coming Trinidad/ Surname/Guyana trip. I was in need of warm weather footwear. My cooler brand of shoes are serving my feet well, but it is time to slide in to 30°C atmospheres.

In Toronto we are experiencing in the plus conditions. There is more reain than we are accustomed to and I stuck by the cooler footwear (or that which handles the more frigid weather) when doing some japa meditation in the evening. I was basically doing some awning-hopping to keep dry from drizzle. It was in a safe neighbourhood–Rosedale, however, thieves do make their rounds.

One disheveled-looking fellow, however, was checking out every single door of these high-end shops, right where I could see him, as a witness, had he the chance to pilfer or steal. No shame in him. I envied him somewhat, though, because he likely gets a lot of walking in in the course of a day. He’s doing better than me in the walking department.

My day and night proved right because of the shoe purchase, the bit of outdoor exposure, plus the bhakti classes I gave. You can’t go wrong in listening and speaking about the Supreme. Krishna is always worth dwelling on and working and living for.

May the Source be with you!

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