Monday 6 June 2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

St. Andrews, New Brunswick

Missing the Whales

Ryan and I couldn’t get into Kingsbrae Gardens. We were too early. After looking at and reading a bit about pirates, I thought it would be nice to offset and gain balance from seeing some flowers and llamas that the garden provides. As mentioned before, pirates were a gruesome bunch. And that’s the way Hollywood used to portray them. When I was a kid, pirates were scum and clowns made you happy. Today, pirates are romanticized and clowns are evil. I don’t get it.

With Kingsbrae’s gates closed, we decided to walk along the oceanfront. On the way a smiling resident with a beard (neater than a pirate’s) came out on his veranda to say, “I saw your documentary, ‘The Walking Monk.’ Welcome to town.”

Shortly after that, a woman in a smart car, on her way to Fredericton, pulled over. “Excuse me, but I was curious. Is something spiritual going on in town? I could really use it now. I am in grievance.” So, we spoke.

A portion of our day was occupied with whale watching. My good friend Rob has this business, so the four of our troupe donned these massive space-type suits to embark on a journey over the Bay of Fundy. Actually, it’s too early for whales, but during this ultra-relaxing plying over the water, we got close to eagles, seals, and lighthouses. Nice!

To complete a great day, we logged-in to our regular Thursday Gita Chat (open to all) to discuss Chapter 12, where Krishna outlines what pleases Him in the manner of how we behave. Check out the latter verses. We had a whale of a time.

May the Source be with you!

5 km


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