Sunday 27 February 2022

Thursday, February 17, 2022

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

How to Know?

Someone asked, “How do you know when you are making spiritual progress?”

This is a classic question and it came up in our Zoom Gita Chat with Florida. The simple answer is, or one answer is, “When you begin to lose the taste for sense enjoyment, then you feel you are spiritually advancing.”

The person asking wanted to go with greater depth. “Is there a time when you know, or a line you cross, when you go beyond just obedience, following regimen, and where everything is spiritually spontaneous?”

Answer: “There is no point in time where you can actually say, ‘I’m now in samadhi.’ A genuine spiritual practitioner will always bear the mood that he/she is unworthy. However, in terms of gauging or monitoring your progress, you consult with guru or guide. That is a blessing. In our spiritual culture you can’t really move forward without the help of others. Self-help doesn’t exist on one’s own endeavour as paradoxical as it may sound.”

Our group’s discussion on progression was sweet. Still, I’m never quite satisfied enough with my contribution. I have a way to go.

In terms of sweetness for the day, I was thrilled to receive the poster of our film “The Embassy.” Our intent is to submit this short film to film festivals in different locations, I like the look of it. I’m proud of the promotional poster.

May the Source be with you!


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