Monday, 19 May 2008

Monday, May 12th, 2008

Monday, May 12th, 2008 - Toronto, Ontario

It had been a rainy few days at the New Vrndavan retreat for the Festival of Inspiration. It has restricted trekking and even when drizzle-free moments were real the puddles became hurdles. Chanting and walking was partially indoors in the temple or the large lodge. Upon the return back to Toronto the phone started ringing and that anchored me to the ground for some time. Restlessness set in and a briskful stepping through Moore Park Ravine and beyond my original training ground brought companions Devadatta and Jennifer Layne. Deva, as I mentionned before, is sometimes considered the moody monk but he remained more upbeat today. Jennifer, who is residing in our ashram in Vancouver is also in a happy state. She performed marvelously as Aditi, the mother of the demigods in the production "Vamana" presented the day before in West Virginia. I felt an inner ecstasy still very excited about the standing ovation received.

Two young teenage boys cycled past us in the ravine but then stopped abruptly and yelled back in a most well wishing tone "Hope you have a good journey". I thought that was sweet. From a seminar held at the Inspiration festival words of truth flowed. Here are some;

1. About things that have happened to you, you can be bitter. But no, you can be better.
2. Dont be upset with the instrument of your karma!
3. Enthusiasm is contagious.
4. Most people today are drawing in information but are starving for knowledge.
5. Always appreciate, never expect.
6. Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.
7 Children laugh 400 times a day. Adults, only 15
8. Moodiness is selfishness magnified.
9. First impressions are moments of truth.
10. If you can't be on time, be early.
11. I am everyone's servant.


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