Wednesday 26 January 2022

Sunday, January 16, 2022

243 Ave. Rd., Toronto

Before the Storm

There was a calm before the storm and that was, for me, a few minutes with Vrkodhar and son. His family, of Ukraine origin, just moved here to Canada from Israel. When I walked that historic country – 2009/2010 I believe – Vrkodhar was one of my walking companions, so we were reminiscing in the comfort of Govinda’s Dining Room.

Israelis are on their fifth wave of viruses. Perhaps they are ahead of the game in the world scene.

Another calming aspect of today was an outstanding turn-out and presentation of the second wave of 3.0 North American Iskcon leaders. Topics such as those executed by the Youth Ministry, where my dear friend, Manoram, pep-talked on youth engagement. Also, Kalakantha, who excited all Zoom listeners on what’s called “Krishna House,” a program for drawing in students to higher consciousness; where they can experience a monk or nun’s lifestyle for a period of their time. Spiritual leader misconduct and Child Protection were also on the table. A bright Ted Talker by the name of Ajit enthused us with wisdom on media exposure. Plus, the group I’m involved in, the Umbrella Mountain Arts, made its presentation.

In North America we have talent and we are all seeking more assistance in advancing this great movement. There’s a soothing hope in the air aside from the snow that just started up.

May the Source be with you!


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