Thursday 16 December 2021

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Burnaby, British Columbia

Night Walk

Sarva Rasa agreed to join me for an evening walk down by the greenhouse enclave. This was after a full day of his teaching and then catching up with the final portion of a reading of the Gita in the temple. Today marked the anniversary of Arjuna hearing the timeless truth from the mouth of Krishna Himself. It was aural reception divine.

In any event, it was time to just get outside and let nature do what it would wish of us. As is common, nature is a teaser. Within minutes of our start, clouds began to spit. A slight hesitation struck Sarva’s heart, about continuing our trek, so I tested him. “Do you want to go back?” I admit to a sarcastic tone of, “Are you chicken?”

“No! No! There’s no turning back,” he rebounded. “I’m inspired. This is going to help me,” he admitted with conviction.

The whole day, from early morning to afternoon, and finally with this walk, thought of the priceless lessons of the Gita came as reminders to me; how my life turned around decades before. It’s been an experience of wellness.

Street lights allowed for us to recognize puddles. In the night, they are black and some glisten with lampposts reflecting on their surface.

It doesn’t fail that a reminder of covid always sneaks about. On every stroll I see an abandoned mask that, in most cases, slipped from someone’s pocket.

Some predator birds flew low and near as we made our way through the rain as it was letting up. Only near the end of our walk did clouds spit again. As we were nearing the door to our apartment, Sarva once again remarked about the need to be out. “I’ve got to make this a daily regimen.”

May the Source be with you!

4 km


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