Tuesday 31 December 2019

Thursday, December 26th, 2019

Toronto, Ontario

I See in Your Body

From the script, "The Gita," wherein Krishna reveals His Cosmic Form, Arjuna observes:

 ARJUNA: I see in your body hundreds of thousands of divine and multicoloured forms.  I see creatures of the water, creatures of the air and creatures of the land.  I see various demigods.  I see Brahma sitting on a lotus flower.  I see Shiva who rides on his bull.  I see divine serpents. 

I see in your body many, many arms, bellies, mouths and eyes expanded everywhere without limit.  I see your glaring effulgence spreading everywhere like blazing fire.  The sun, the moon, are your eyes. The host of demigods are entering into you.  They are afraid.  They are praying!  SWASTI! SWASTI! SWASTI!

Your incredible form is creating fear in the hearts of all.

I see Duryodhana.  I see Bhisma.  I see Drona.  And other chief soldiers rushing into your terrible jaws, their heads smashed between your fearful teeth.  I see you devouring people from all sides.

Oh Lord of Lords.  Please tell me who you really are?

KRISHNA: I am time, destroyer of the worlds.  I have come to annihilate the wrong.  With the exception of you, the Pandavas, all soldiers on both sides will be slain.

Arise!  Prepare for duty.  Your enemies are already put to death by my arrangement.  Be an instrument in the fight.

The above is recited while our actors play it out in our upcoming drama, "The Gita," on January 1st.

May the Source be with you!
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