Tuesday 31 December 2019

Friday, December 27th, 2019

Brampton, Ontario

Get to Marketing

Vidyanidhi is a qualified architect, who has been rendering some drawings for our temple/ashram's renovations.  We have begun a project in our building which should improve our facilities for resident monks and nuns, as well as increase the number of classrooms we require for seminars on bhakti, the devotional sciences.  We appreciate the number of people who have come forward to support the effort of this prominent building project.  Our goal is to complete the project by September 2022, which is to include a solarium on the flat roof above our Govinda's Restaurant to accommodate the sacred basil plant, Tulasi.

Vidyanidhi invited me to his home in Brampton for a meal with the family, so I got to know everyone better.  What was so kind of them was to pull together a beverage (and not a brew) which is a favourite of mine.  It is simply a drink of lemon, water, ginger and jaggery, a natural sweetener.  It's delicious and healthy.  I indulged.  It goes with almost any meal.  I recommend it to anyone.  I think it should be marketed.

My evening activity went in two parts: drama practice, which is coming along, and a nighttime walk into the 4 degree Celsius weather.  It was good all around, both the drink, and then the walk, both excellent for the health.  Isn't that just about everything? Good physical and health conditions, in order to execute services to Him and to all.

May the Source be with you!
4 km

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