Monday 19 November 2018

Monday, November 12th, 2018

Toronto, Ontario

Connecting With Natives

Just before departing for the airport, two native fellows from the Cree Tribe came to visit.  Whether it was a true story or not, about them being survivors of the ill-fated residential schools, I agreed to their favour.  They are from James Bay, way up north.  They needed something for air fare to get back home.  Both were quite coherent and respectful.  I was happy to meet them.

Balaram and I then left for the flight to Argentina, which is just under eleven hours long.  I took to my rounds of chanting, did some reading and then watched a documentary on trekking some of the great trails of the world, which climaxed at Nepal and Mount Everest.  God knows I have a tough time sleeping on a plane.

I also took the opportunity to view “Woman Walks Ahead” a feature film based on American history, about the artist Caroline Weldon, and Chief Sitting Bull.
It was nice and I came to some reflection on the native folks again.  It also brought memories of walking Lower Michigan in 2016.  I came to a town where the museum has as their treasure on display, some original drawings by Sitting Bull.  He was a good artist.  The pieces on display were renderings of horses, which were his way of getting around.

The story in the film leaves a sad ending with the death of the chief.  That European invasion of the Americas was tragic as are many events in the world.  The recent shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the deadly fires in California, and many more challenges of natural or unnatural causes demonstrates the insecure state of affairs.  We must strive to do better with what is in our power. 

May the Source be with you!

1 km

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